PPA Certification

PPA Certification
Professional Photographers of America

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brooke is Six!

Six years ago, after 18 hours of labor, I heard the sweetest sound~MY baby crying! Watching this sweet "little me" grow the past six years have brought me nothing but joy. I am so proud of her kind, caring nature and her absolute LOVE of life and all things good! I have been blessed beyond words, and thank GOD every day for gifting me this AMAZING child.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Relationship Building at it's Best!!!!

Thanks to Monique and Jolly, whose wedding I photographed, I was introduced to these beautiful twins - Kade and Kaylie and their proud parents. The best compliments are referrals and now I get to spend the next 2 years capturing these adorable babies milestone moments. Thank you Monique and Jolly! Welcome to the world Kade and Kaylie....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson

So, in my 9 years of photographing weddings, I can tell you how many Bride's and Groom's have chosen to see each other before the wedding. This is my second. It's NOT that common, but what a really cool moment when April and Eric saw each other dressed in wedding attire for the first time.
I had to fight back tears so I could see through the camera! But it wasn't just that moment that I fought back tears! Their obvious love and affection for one another has been evident since the first time I had the pleasure of meeting them, and they just absolutely shined on their wedding day! Truly BEAUTIFUL people, inside and out, and you could see their devotion for one another in their hugs, kisses, and smiles to each other.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kari and Andrew!!!!

I have the honor to photograph Kari and Andrew's wedding in May! I can't wait, and I am sure you can see why. Look how happy they look together! They've been together a long time, so I am sure the Wedding Day cannot get here fast enough for them!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

DOG Gone Good Shoot!

Yesterday I had the priviledge of shooting one of the best models this side of Sugar Land. His name is Buck and he's a beautiful white Lab. He's been an important part of the Glassnap's family. He's in his later doggie years and wow doesn't he look great! More pictures of Buck and Luke to come.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Great Easter Holiday!

Enjoyed spending time with my family over the Easter holiday. I was also able to take my nephew, Ryder's six month photos. How cute does he look...