PPA Certification

PPA Certification
Professional Photographers of America

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brennan is One, Where has the time gone?

He's was tiny and sweet as a newborn....

An adorable character around four months...and

Fun to shoot at one! Happy Birthday Brennan, I have been blessed to watch you grow...and capture your milestone moments through the lens of my camera.

To continue capturing your little ones as they grow through the years, we have a new sepcial called Grow With Me. Grow With Me captures your child from years two through five. Grow With Me is $250 dollars and comes with a complimentary 8x10 with each session. Call for details (281) 545-9898 and continue documenting your child's milestone moments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tis the Season to be Thankful...

The holiday craziness is upon us...everywhere you go, you see the Christmas decorations going up. It's such a wonderful time to be thankful and reflect on all of the blessings in our lives. I have so much to be thankful for, my beautiful and supportive family, amazing friends, and all my wonderful clients. It's also a time to remember why we celebrate this season. If not for a gracious and caring God, blessings would be few and far between. I thank the Lord everyday for everything in my life - the good and the bad. Adversity strengthens us and blessings raise us up. Here is just a sample of all of the wonderful people I have been blessed to work with in my photography career - and to say i'm truly blessed is an understatement!

This is a short montage of some of my wonderful clients, and if your photos are not posted, it doesn't mean your not important to me. These photography shoots are just what's been keeping me busy in the last few weeks. I would love to post a photo of all my clients in this montage, but I might overload your system and Googles too, and we can't have that! :) Have a wonderful and blessed day...