Babies are such a blessing and this summer there has been no shortage of these sweet angels. This summer I have had the pleasure photographing new babies, three and six month old babies, and to say I'm blessed to capture these little ones as they grow and change is an understatement.

These adorable twins have grown so much since their new born photography shoot. Just look at those faces....Twice as much to love, two blessings from above.

The crawlers were a hoot to shoot!

If your baby is "beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time," you're the grandma."-- Theresa Bloomingdale (Love this quote!)
Candace is excited to introduce a new program for previous clients, "Grow with Me!" The plan captures your child from age 2 through 5. "Grow with Me" is $250 and included in each session is a free 8x10. Call for details (281) 545-9898.
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