Studio Pricing: Spring Photos and Bluebonnets
$150 Session fee
Complete session discs can be purchased for $1500
Packages begin at $499
Packages begin at $499

Also we have redeveloped some of our packages for children's photography sessions. Our Baby Plan has changed to the following:
BeBe $400 (plus tax) it includes:
Newborn or Maturity Session
Three Month Session
Three Month Session
Six Month Session
Twelve Month Session
Each session includes a complimentary 8x10
Call to book your appointment if your expecting, (281) 545-9898

And to continue capturing your children's growing years, new to Candace Byers Photography:
Grow With Me $250 this package captures your children ages two through five.

Grow With Me $250 this package captures your children ages two through five.

Call now to book your appointment (281) 545-9898, spring photos and bluebonnet sessions are limited and fill up quick! See you all at our next session.